Luxury Vacation Getaways in the Finger Lakes

Going on a luxurious vacation doesn’t mean you have to spend big bucks and leave the country for some exotic destination. There are plenty of places to go right here in America to escape the rat race for a while and indulge your desires to relax and have a great time. The Finger Lakes region should Skaneateles Vacation Rentalsdefinitely be on your list of places to travel while on vacation.


Well, for one thing, its got a worldwide reputation for being blessed with natural beauty in ways that only Mother Nature could create. Many people who love traveling to New York City are also realizing that there’s a whole state to explore beyond the Big Apple, and the Finger Lakes offers some splendid natural views, as well as, local and regional activities to enjoy.

The charm of this area is that many places are exactly the opposite of a large metropolitan city. In fact, people come here to get closer to nature and don’t mind stopping and exploring small towns like Skaneateles, which is nestled next to beautiful Skaneateles Lake. Simple living is what you’ll find here, and you can still remain plugged into the world through your mobile devices. But, we recommend unplugging for a little while so you can totally appreciate what upstate living has to offer at one of our Skaneateles luxury vacation rentals.

In our neck of the woods, luxury means kicking back in one of the available Skaneateles luxury rentals and walking a few feet to gaze out the window at the lake. Luxury is going out for a romantic stroll by the lake, or in a local park, and rediscovering the passion in your relationship. It’s spending the day in Finger Lakes wine country, touring local wineries and learning a thing or two about the wine making process. There’s nothing like sitting outdoors near the vineyards, sipping award-winning local wines and eating fabulous meals lovingly prepared by local chefs.

Luxury is visiting one of the many city and state parks dotting the landscape and walking a nature trail that winds its way around ancient rock formations, picturesque gorges and rushing waterfalls. Just like the locals you can enjoy an afternoon picnic near one of our serene lakes, or in a tree-lined hideaway perfect for sharing intimate moments. Hop on a cruise boat and watch the scenery go by as the boat chugs gently along, or rent a boat and cast a fishing line into the waters.

Luxury is also spending the day at a world-famous auto racing track and taking your car for a few laps around the track behind a guide car. Visit a museum, and there are several excellent museums in this area, that bring history to life. Check out the popular glass museum and watch glass artisans create beautiful objects right before your eyes.

Evening luxuries include Broadway plays, musicals and concerts by local, national and international artists. Go out to dinner and enjoy fine dining at its best. At the end of the day, you’ll arrive back at your cozy Finger Lakes vacation rental home ready to sleep in a comfortable bed in a real bedroom, thinking about the next day’s activities as you drop off to a sound sleep.

Check out Springtime deals on our Finger Lakes luxury vacation rentals today.

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